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a solution to block out waste
Pollution :how this commune in the Pyrénées-Orientales region keeps out wasteThe municipality of Elne, in the Pyrénées-Orientales region, is not insensitive to the scourge of waste and is committed to the environment.Elne town council has decided to take an active...
And if insects disappear…
Biodiversity : "If insects disappear, everything else disappears with them,Union nationale de l'Apiculture Française interview with specialist Dave GoulsonIn a book published on February 8, the British scientist, who works on the effects of pesticides on biodiversity,...
Bocage, our common hedges
53 minutes devoted to the history of the bocage and the hedgerows that were destroyed during the 1954 land consolidation program, which aimed to consolidate the scattered parcels of farmland. This was done at the expense of hedgerows and copses, effectively...
“Eloge des Vagabondes” with Gilles Clément
Landscaper, gardener and writer Gilles Clément is the guest of Sonia Devillers at 9.10 am on France-Inter to mark the re-release of his bestseller "Eloge des Vagabondes". 23/02/2023 .Gilles Clément is a landscape gardener, botanist and writer, but above all a...
Olivier de Kersauson and the ecological discourse
78 years old, 40 of which have been spent sailing around the world 10 times, a lone wolf in solidarity! .In this extract from the show, Olivier de Kersauson talks about ecology. He insists on the reproaches that neo-ecologists level at past generations, including his...
The future of water
Technology at the service of biodiversity
S.O.S Les FAONS ...As the new year begins, you have the opportunity to do a good deed by working alongside farmers and volunteers to save the fawns. Goat kids give birth in the tall grass of the prairies so that their young can escape predators. Unfortunately, this...
CLIMATE, the uncertainty factor
CLIMATE and the vision of Steeven KOOHINThe author does not dispute man's influence on the climate. He disputes the catastrophic claims, which are not at all certain. Finally, he believes that we won't be able to reduce our CO2 emissions and that mankind will have to...
The D.E.A.L
DEAL: Le Défi pour l'Environnement -DEAL in Aquitaine : Think globally... act locally.Created on October 18, 2018, the Défi pour l'Environnement Aquitain-DEAL, is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901. Its purpose is to promote environmental protection...
the world without end, yes but …
A COMIC BOOK REVIEW THE WORLD WITHOUT ENDReminder: LE MONDE SANS is a comic book created by Jean Marc Jancovici, with drawings by Christophe Blain. It was published in September 2021 by DARGAUD and, to date, some 500,00 copies have been sold. François Xavier MARTIN...