Protect your bee!

“The bees are disappearing, disappearing…”. It’s not enough to say, we have to understand why and act accordingly.

On earth for over 80 million years, bees have always survived successive climatic upheavals.

So why the alarm today?

Because their mortality rate has risen from 5% in 1995 to 30% and a third of what we consume is produced thanks to pollination. They are a vital link in our food supply.

Protecting bees also means protecting people. It’s time to act!

Are you ready?

Initiation and discovery: an educational kit

In partnership with the Union nationale de l’Apiculture française (UNAF), the Association Défi pour l’Environnement France offers an educational kit designed for children in the CM1/CM2 and 6°, cycle 3 classes of the French national education system.

This kit contains a wide range of tools, including educational sheets to introduce you to the world of bees and biodiversity.


Ordering the Teaching Kit

contents of the case :

  • A beehive
    • 5 double-sided printed inner frames, around 5 items from the life of the beehive.
      2 books “Mission sauver les abeilles”, “L’abeille, Sentinelle de l’environnement”.
    • Sachets of melliferous plants.
  • A USB key containing :
    • 7 Printable exhibition files: Stories of bees, bees and people, zoom on the bee, bees in danger, honey & honeys, seasons in the hive, timeline “The bee tells its story”.
    • 7 thematic cards adapted to 3 teaching cycles. The life of the hive, zoom on the bee, the endangered bee, the bee and the plate, the beekeeper, honey and hive products, melliferous species.
    • Quizzes to test knowledge.
  • Digital tools :
    • Beehave” animated film 3mn
    • A bee-free breakfast 1 mn
    • Where does the honey we eat come from? 5 mn
    • Podcast “The sound of the beehive” 2 episodes “The
      different professions within the hive “9 mn.
  • Package dimensions: L=57, W=38, H=42. Weight 9kg
Pedagogical beehive
Pedagogical beehive

This is a fun way for students to get to know bees and take action on their behalf.

Data sheets have also been designed in collaboration with the French Ministry of Education, for teachers and supervisors with no prior experience in this particular field.


Did you know?

Bees can be connected!

Find out more :(pdf)

Henri Clément interview on Facebook

Presented by : Mélanie Taravant On the occasion of World Bees Day.

“Yes, you can have beehives at home!”

Henri Clément says it!
This beekeeper and spokesman for UNAF (Union nationale de l’apiculture française) was a guest on France 5’s “C à dire ?!” program,
on World Bees Day, May 22, 2022.
An opportunity for this enthusiast to look back at the essential role of these pollinators, responsible for a third of the planet’s resources and yet in danger of extinction. Faced with intensive farming and climate change, what are the issues at stake and what measures can each of us take at our own level?
Answer here …