le monde sans fin jancovici

53 minutes devoted to the history of the bocage and the hedgerows that were destroyed during the 1954 land consolidation program, which aimed to consolidate the scattered parcels of farmland.

This was done at the expense of hedgerows and copses, effectively eliminating protected areas that had become sanctuaries for biodiversity.
By 2021, France has set a target of planting 7,000 km of hedges. But to meet the Paris Agreement’s target of limiting global warming to 2°, it is estimated that we would need to double the current planting density, i.e. plant 750,000 km of hedges.

From ecologist Jaime GIMENEZ to resistant farmer Samuel LEWIS, this issue of the magazine takes us across France to discover the hedgerows of our country and what they’ve become over the past 70 years.


Génération Ushuaia magazine by Fanny AGOSTINI from 11/03/2023 on TF1

below is the link to the replay:
