le monde sans fin jancovici

Biodiversity :

pollution of the mediterranean


The LIONS organize their congresses twice a year, and the southern district (Occitanie region) has organized the autumn 2021 congress in Agde around the theme of the environment, and more specifically microplastic pollution of the seas and oceans. During the congress, a round table discussion on the subject was held with the participation of four speakers who enlightened us on the extent of pollution and the solutions to be envisaged, with the conclusion “and if the solution was in our hands”.

As Dr Anne Leila reminded us, if we continue as we are, there will soon be more plastic in the sea than fish. In addition to the scientific aspects, Marc Chevallier and I discussed the impact on seafaring professions of the increasing scarcity of resources, and the involvement of the Occitanie region in political decisions and recommendations.

Le défi pour l’environnement was present, with Jean Marchal moderating the round table.



to view his October 2, 2021 lecture on the subject.

See also: https://clean-up-rivers.fr/
