Read and seen for you
For a cleaner planet
NEWS : Interview with Jean Marchal also World Cleanup Day Ambassadoron Radio Aviva Jean comes to give us a look back on this year's edition which took place on September 21st. It also makes us aware of plastic pollution, especially in the Mediterranean...
2024 Megothon Report
NEWS : 2024 Mégothon Review 2024 Mégothon report:A success thanks to you! On May 31st and June 1st, we had an incredible moment together during the Megothon. Thanks to the involvement and enthusiasm of each of you, it is: 971,028 cigarette butts...
Aquatic environments and the French
Aquatic environments and the French Oceans, coastlines, seas, rivers... Aquatic environments and the French An unexpected equation: an anxiety-provoking subject, considered serious and yet little known As part of the Fête de l'Aquarium, the Palais de la Porte Dorée...
Milankovic Parameters
CLIMATE: Changes in temperatureandMilankovic parameters Thérèse
Repairs & appliances
NEWS : Electronics and household appliance repair:bonus amounts increase! The repair bonus entitles you to a reduction on your bill when you take an electrical or electronic product that is no longer covered by warranty to a certified repairer. On...
France 2023 Young Talent Award
Biodiversity : France 2023 Young Talent Award L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science: 35 exceptional young researchers receive awards Paris, October 10, 2023 - While the major environmental and societal transformations of our time call for urgent...
Bee mortality awards
pollution of the mediterranean
Biodiversity : pollution of the mediterranean The LIONS organize their congresses twice a year, and the southern district (Occitanie region) has organized the autumn 2021 congress in Agde around the theme of the environment, and more specifically microplastic...
the soil, source of life
Biodiversity : the soil, source of life its composition, role and protection Biodiversity: soil is the basis of almost everything, an essential substrate for plant and animal life, an indispensable tool for farmers, a key player in the water cycle, a support for...
the fight against the tiger mosquito
Biodiversity : Tiger mosquito surveillance and control between May and November Published May 9, 2023 - Direction de l'information légale et administrative (Prime Minister's Office)Now present in 71 départements, and mainly active between May and November, the tiger...